The gulf is in the sky. Switching direction suddenly clouds pour from the north, breaking our clock.
Who Will Catch You In the Middle of All This?
“If a lot of famous artists from the twentieth century killed themselves trying to produce work while supporting themselves when the cost of living was lower…I mean, imagine how much more difficult it is for us now.”
I Write To Be On Stage
I’ve largely stopped “acting out” and have learned to speak up instead. Ironically, it was learning to just talk to other people that got my writing where I want it to be.
Dog Eat Dog
In Afghanistan, the team I supported lived in an abandoned police station in a suburb of Ghazni. We were twenty-eight grunts standing guard, a couple support randos like me, and the operators; ten bearded creatine-enthusiasts who sat around making sure they were seen reading copies of Emerson and Nietzsche before zooming off on four wheelers with their Afghan Commando protégés.
Colloquy for Dean Rader and Emily Dickinson; Events of 1939; Nomad Country; Lament for the Makers
Still I feel I am one now with dispossessed my imaginary sees encamped in the Arizona desert (along with Cochise, perhaps, and his Chiricahua over that rise there, with John Brown And Nat Turner, plotting some bloody revenge), but my peace is separate—I have O2 at night.
Desktop Definitions – so called because they’re on my desktop
Love without self-knowledge isn’t possible.