Litbreak Magazine
Litbreak is an online literary journal based in New York City that publishes short stories, unpublished novel excerpts, poetry and creative nonfiction. It was founded by Jason Chambers and is edited by Dennis Haritou. We encourage diversity.
Litbreak has more than eight years of stories, poems and essays in its back pages. If you like our current, front page offerings, you are encouraged to browse. When you write for Litbreak, we want to keep your work accessible and online for as long as the magazine is alive. There are currently over one hundred and fifty posts of contributors’ work, spread over eight years, live and online, and still growing.
Jason Rice is our signature photographer. All the images on the main Litbreak banner are from his photographs. Many featured photographs, credited to him, appear on our pages. Photographs are also provided by our contributors for their pieces in Litbreak, or are occasionally provided from other sources. Check out more photographs on JR’s site or on our gallery site of his pictures. JR has recently compiled a book of his photographs, entitled Between Seconds, and is looking for an agent.
Litbreak Magazine accepts submissions year-round. Consult our Submissions page within the “About” menu for details. Please! read our submissions policy before submitting anything. If you do not follow our policy guidelines, your submission may be declined.