
“I’ve made my contribution. I’m done.” He waved his right hand like he was dismissing an entire life.

“Oh, please. I don’t like to hear this.” Mom said, brow furrowed, the corners of her eyes creased, the edges of her lips turned down.

“What do you mean, done? Like done done? With your life?” I was curious about this feeling of his.

“Yes,” he said. He rubbed his hands on the table. It was a tell, his whiskey buzz settling in.


People hold signs every day. Homeless. Anything helps. Or Hungry. Please give, Or lost job. Children to feed. A piece of me questions each one. I admit it - I generally keep driving. I roll up my window, place glass between me and the shattered world, and sit with my own shards. And I wonder if I’ve ever been a few steps away from standing in those shoes. It takes courage to ask for help.