A faint trail weaves beyond the pines. The westbound breeze chases a swath Of lavish clouds that coat the plain. The setting sun peeks through, blaze orange, Soaring, soaring – – there she is. Across the meadow: one foot, two. Hair tumbles to bare shoulders, Heat glimmering in hollow cheeks As sunlight brushes lips, blaze orange, Flaming, flaming – – I can smell her skin. Her heartbeat hums: I listen close, Threading through the shadows. Grass grazes legs and beckons me But beams lick at my arms, blaze orange, Scorching, scorching – – she begins to fall. Like veils slip off or comets plunge Her body curls, then drops, then sags. I dash through pines to catch a god As light pierces my eyes, blaze orange, Blinding, blinding – – my legs give in. I hold her litheness as it seeps. My hands, aflame, travel her length. Sweat, tears and viscous blood all fuse: A slick and exquisite blaze orange, Melting, melting – – she meets her wet fate. Oh, Icarus mine, roll back your eyes, Murmur to me the song of our time. The one from our dreams, the one that hurts: Fire in the ribcage, laughter in the night. Sing, sing, my love – – I leave you to die.
Darina Merkulova is a Canadian student based in Switzerland. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, playing piano, flying and participating in aircraft maintenance.