Mina La Verdad de Un Artista
Truth of an Artist, strange name for a mine.
It´s hard to reach. Nobody wants you there.
No Poem Is the Only Poem. No Story Is the Only Story. Celebrating Diversity Since 2015
Mina La Verdad de Un Artista
Truth of an Artist, strange name for a mine.
It´s hard to reach. Nobody wants you there.
The steps down to this labyrinth are large no problem for my feet as many are. Miners who grew up in the job were small.
The Batteries of Aguilones and Conejo
2 batteries, abandoned villages
on hillsides looking out across the sea
linked by the tunnel of the wind, a pass.
Conejo as the name implies is full
of rabbits breeding merrily
Nobody shoots them there. It´s far too near
refineries. A spark could send those up
Did eagles fly over Aguilones once?
The only eagle left there is mosaic.